Minister of Communications and Information Technology - Rudiantara, estimate losses during the third e-commerce site could not be accessed can reach hundreds of billions of rupiah, although only down within a few hours.
"In a single day, and Tokopedia bukalapak can record each transaction of Rp 300 billion," the minister who is familiarly called the Chief of RA to detikINET in Jakarta.
Down time which affects the three local e-commerce is too bad. Because the solution Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) has become important at a time when the data center used by three e-commerce having outages.
"Departing from the issue of network down as it has for several online companies these days, we must have confident that a DRaaS solution could be important in having a back-up solutions for critical systems today"
DRaaS is very important in this digital transformation era, because cloud, data center, network and other critical systems to be almost used by all lines of business in the digital age today. Especially for companies engaged in online business, e-commerce, and similar things with that.
"Cloud Services can be provided by both Private and Hybrid Cloud. It can also be used as a Disaster Recovery system which is fast, secure, cost-efficient and flexible, and can also be used as a service, and fully managed.
Cloud-enabled to protect and extend data center with two technologies available for Disaster Recovery (DRaaS) and Backup (Backup as a Service / SaaS). Disaster Recovery applications to protect downtime and replicate to cloud.
One of cloud provider goal is to protect and backup your important data to cloud customers and have also IaaS Cloud Backup using VMs (Virtual Machines).
The strength of a Data Center should supported by multi network and solid infrastructure and solutions as well as the experience of qualified personel.
source: detikinet